LET GO OF YOUR EX- I create a LOVE Poem for the Twin Flames

8 months ago

The Poem begins at Eight minutes, 34 seconds- you can watch me download a poem fully-formed, from my Spirit. It is how I create all of my songs….

There are many many spirits on this earth,
Many who would be your friend?
Many from whom you can laugh and learn,
and spend time with in the sunshine.
And there are some who are particular,
some, who hold your heart.
And from these few, – there is a one,
a one from whom you start:
starting button, fire, light, candle lit the fuse,
blowing open, fullest bright,
Your heart has met your muse.
That is your song, – your lover ,
That is your faith, – to be
A piece of spark, “the other “
A fitting partner for me.
And you will have your own,
And you will have your song.
There is a place, a time for this
Wear those, who love, belong .
In high vibrational spaces,
Above the mountain top ,
In deepest valleys, and darkest woods
Where time has never stopped.
On the journey to be the lover,
Be the self who always wins -
Open hearted meetings,
where you unfold your wings !
Despite the turmoil in the world,
despite the dark and grim,
These sparks hold up a brighter light,
These sparks they over–brim into the world
And then the fire is set,
Each one becomes the more,
– the most that they can be
And blasting through this field of grey,
We tear the past apart,
And bring it in, a brighter way
When loving can start (begin)
And families regained this earth,
Commune with woods, and hills, and water.
Where , love is not the hurt.
And joining soothes the ills.
We call it in, we call it now
– As those who called the sun
Together in this path we burn and build.
As we step forward, and then we run.
Toward our future, toward our time
Beyond this oppressive glare
In innocence and purity,
Our beloved hearts, we share.

Isabel Aimee

If you love this healing please buy me a coffee

or you can book a session:

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

6 week one on one INSPIRITION TRAINING IN :
remote viewing,
communication with Spirit,
investigating through the Akashic Field

1.Book me as a Speaker
for your public talks on Education & Homeschool
How to Enable and Allow the Spirit of Your Child to Flourish, using practical examples of teaching practice, advice on preparing the environment (emotional, physical, spiritual) and examples of best practice.

2.A Play in Two Days: Put on a play over a weekend Ages 6-13
A tool to enable your children to stretch their imagination, & creativity and earn themselves self-trust in the process. http://www.inspirition.biz/the-speaking-house/a-play-in-two-days-.html

3.Book One-on-one Performing Arts Sessions ( in person or online):
Book here for private Singing, Acting or Dancing lessons :for your child’s improved confidence, imagination, creativity and spiritual connection.
(Musical coaching, voice development, nerve-reducing, tone-improvement, Improvisation, confidence, imagination-stimulus, script-writing, interpretation, physical characterisation)

4.Be Inspired by My Books:
From Duty to Joy: The handbook for children’s 5-D learning.

The Source-Energy Handbook to Activating Your Creativity

Transmissions From The Planet Zog Books 1,2,&3 Milo & Teal: Birds of a Feather, Vibration Works, & How to Transition.
Stories from future Earth (Zog)http://www.inspirition.biz/the-speaking-house/milo-and-teal-book-1.htmlhttp://www.inspirition.biz/the-speaking-house/milo-and-teal-book-2.htmlhttp://www.inspirition.biz/the-speaking-house/milo-and-teal-book-3.html

Singing Rainbows: a handbook to using and activating your full singing voice

Brave Souls: How to Act good and Feel better
A guide to the workings of your human emotions and how to successfully transition through them.

5.Play Packages: learning packages to equip your home or place of learning with self-directed, experiential play-tools http://www.inspirition.biz/play-packages.html

6.INSPIRITION @The Speaking House Full ‘Teacher/Facilitator’ Training:
Training to become an INSPIRITION facilitator, and found your own Speaking House school of experiential learning.
Much of this methodology was practiced during Lemurian times on this planet.

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Dr. Isabel Aimee Berkeley


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