Atomic Biscuits - 20240623 - Bordering Insanity

15 days ago

This week here in the States we watched naked corruption in action...Pedo Pete Joe Biden bought millions of illegal votes by waiving in non-citizens in a bid to stay in the White House and out of the grasp of justice. Did he bother to check in with the base? Maybe not since they were just replaced. Burgeoning blue cities, full up with crime and squalor careen toward a tipping point where the new lower class will be hungry, naked and afraid...but organized into a voting bloc to demand more, as directed by international interlopers who stand safely far away. The counterbalance to this madness is a heated response from the right, a Trump plan to close the border once again and reinforce sovereignty. Of course this point of view is poo-pooed in the mainstream as racist and they peddle fear while panning the camera across the vast sea of red caps at Trump's rallies. It's clear that the open borders and illegal programs under Obama are now coming to fruition. By swamping the court processes with more cases than can be heard, immigrants who have not crossed into the country legally, but who are allowed to stay...and work...and marry...and bring family members through chain migration, will be rewarded with citizenship and voting rights just in time for Joe's crunch election in November. It's a clear violation of law, again. The question is, will anyone be able to stop it before it's too late? What about you, do you think that all new jobs are going to non-citizens? How do you feel about it? Let me know your thoughts out on the free speech platform GAB at BACFA.
Elon Musk had some thoughts about the future saying that electronic voting is just too dangerous. He also spoke to a Middle Eastern conference about the existential crisis intelligent robots will bring to the world of work, asking how people will find purpose in life without their labors. I think it's interesting that Musk would deliver this particular message to ears who probably don't understand what he's saying. From a Western perspective, especially us Gen-X'ers, we get a great deal of our identify from our work, our ability to create things, to build things, to make things, to manage and train and teach. AI may be great at repetitve jobs that require manual labor, but self-worth isn't just about whether you can swing a hammer or fix an engine, and middle eastern cultures still focused in stone-age ideals don't derive their worth from work, they are focused on religious concepts and work is a necessity to provide. Elon betrays the West's focus on earning and bank notes as he represents capitalism at it's height and most vulnerable. His comments are so opaque as to make me wonder if he's setting the stage for a different kind of conversation, one where new dynamics will be needed post petro-dollar. As payment systems roll out on X, his commentary hardly seems accidental.

After the EU has declared war on them, Attorney's General for various states are starting lawsuit proceedings against jab-making Big Pharma. After countless millions have died, after needless isolated deaths of seniors, after puposeless injection to young children, pregnant mothers, teens, first response workers...after doctors around the world were silenced for a scientific objection; after lies to Congress; after pockets have been lined...we're finally getting to this four years later? Don't we know that bankruptcy will be the path out of fiscal harms way? The grotesque charades played by parapharmakie should be turned out for all to see.

I'll hit these stories and a whole lot more later on Atomic Biscuits airing on WBN324 Talk and on my BACFA dLive channel.
This week here in the States we watched naked corruption in action...Pedo Pete Joe Biden bought millions of illegal votes by waiving in non-citizens in a bid to stay in the White House and out of the grasp of justice. Did he bother to check in with the base? Maybe not since they were just replaced. Burgeoning blue cities, full up with crime and squalor careen toward a tipping point where the new lower class will be hungry, naked and afraid...but organized into a voting bloc to demand more, as directed by international interlopers who stand safely far away. The counterbalance to this madness is a heated response from the right, a Trump plan to close the border once again and reinforce sovereignty. Of course this point of view is poo-pooed in the mainstream as racist and they peddle fear while panning the camera across the vast sea of red caps at Trump's rallies. It's clear that the open borders and illegal programs under Obama are now coming to fruition. By swamping the court processes with more cases than can be heard, immigrants who have not crossed into the country legally, but who are allowed to stay...and work...and marry...and bring family members through chain migration, will be rewarded with citizenship and voting rights just in time for Joe's crunch election in November. It's a clear violation of law, again. The question is, will anyone be able to stop it before it's too late? What about you, do you think that all new jobs are going to non-citizens? How do you feel about it? Let me know your thoughts out on the free speech platform GAB at BACFA.
Elon Musk had some thoughts about the future saying that electronic voting is just too dangerous. He also spoke to a Middle Eastern conference about the existential crisis intelligent robots will bring to the world of work, asking how people will find purpose in life without their labors. I think it's interesting that Musk would deliver this particular message to ears who probably don't understand what he's saying. From a Western perspective, especially us Gen-X'ers, we get a great deal of our identify from our work, our ability to create things, to build things, to make things, to manage and train and teach. AI may be great at repetitive jobs that require manual labor, but self-worth isn't just about whether you can swing a hammer or fix an engine, and middle eastern cultures still focused in stone-age ideals don't derive their worth from work, they are focused on religious concepts and work is a necessity to provide. Elon betrays the West's focus on earning and bank notes as he represents capitalism at it's height and most vulnerable. His comments are so opaque as to make me wonder if he's setting the stage for a different kind of conversation, one where new dynamics will be needed post petro-dollar. As payment systems roll out on X, his commentary hardly seems accidental.

After the EU has declared war on them, Attorney's General for various states are starting lawsuit proceedings against jab-making Big Pharma. After countless millions have died, after needless isolated deaths of seniors, after purposeless injection to young children, pregnant mothers, teens, first response workers...after doctors around the world were silenced for a scientific objection; after lies to Congress; after pockets have been lined...we're finally getting to this four years later? Don't we know that bankruptcy will be the path out of fiscal harms way? The grotesque charades played by parapharmakia should be turned out for all to see.

I'll hit these stories and a whole lot more.

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