Head Of LGBTQ Dems Of Maryland Caught Sexting Who He Thought Was A 14-Year-Old Boy

14 days ago

Posted • June 23, 2024: 🚨 @iFightForKids has just busted the head of the LGBTQ Dems of Maryland (@mdlgbtqdems) for sending extremely disturbing, sexual texts to who he thought was a 14 year old boy. We hope this vile pedophile never knows another day of peace in his life. (…)

• More at: PJ Media - The Democrats Claim There Is No Lefty Pedo Cabal. Roll the Tape.
Rumble: Where Are The 85,000 Missing Children?
Twitchy: Head of LGBTQ of Maryland Busted Over Texts With 14-Year-Old

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