Radiometric Dating Accuacy Debunked [Dr. Jason Lisle]

3 months ago

Radiometric Dating Accuacy Debunked

Dr. Jason Lisle

“Science has proved that the earth is 4.5 billion years old.”  We have all heard this claim.  We are told that scientists use a technique called radiometric dating to measure the age of rocks.  We are also told that this method very reliably and consistently yields ages of millions to billions of years, thereby establishing beyond question that the earth is immensely old – a concept known as deep time.

This apparently contradicts the biblical record in which we read that God created in six days, with Adam being made on the sixth day.  From the listed genealogies, the creation of the universe happened about 6000 years ago.  Has science therefore disproved the Bible?  Is radiometric dating a reliable method for estimating the age of something? 

Let us look into this matter together, shall we?

Dr. Jason Lisle debunks the accuracy of radiometric dating methods:

Dr. Jason Lisle answers the critics' assertions that the radiometric dating methods are accurate:

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