Internal Divisions Within the CCP's PLA on the Issue of Attacking Taiwan

3 months ago

06/21/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show: Some generals within the CCP's PLA actually do not wish to attack Taiwan. Instead, they believe that taking down the CCP is their best option. With the help of the NFSC, some generals have already fled from Communist China. To save the world, they have handed over documents related to the CCP's plans to attack Taiwan to Mr. Miles Guo and the NFSC.
#NFSC #WhistleblowersMovement #takedowntheCCP #CCPattackTaiwan #PLAgenerals
06/21/2024 小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show:中共解放军中的一些将军实际上并不希望攻打台湾。相反,他们觉得推翻中共才是他们最好的选择。一些将军已经在新中国联邦的帮助下逃离了中共国。他们为了拯救世界,还把一些关于中共攻台计划的文件交给了郭文贵先生和新中国联邦。
#新中国联邦 #爆料革命 #打到中共 #中共攻台 #解放军将军

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