The Zurbaran Abduction

2 months ago

Perhaps because 1954 was such an incredible year for UFO activity with literally thousands of accounts and reports, it is no surprise that some incidents almost slipped through the net of our attention. That is very much the case with the bizarre and intriguing encounter of Armando Zurbaran, who would find himself in the middle of a close encounter while driving to a business meeting near Acapulco in Mexico in January 1954.

Not only would the unsuspecting businessman find himself on board an apparent spacecraft from another world, but he would also embark on a journey into the far reaches of the cosmos. All the while interacting and soaking in information from the seemingly friendly occupants who had collected him from his car at the lonely Mexican roadside.

Perhaps what also makes this account intriguing, and quite possibly credible, are some of the details that are not given by the witness. For example, unlike many who claimed to have had close encounters during the early 1950s who would state the strange visitors were from Venus or Mars, Zurbaran didn’t mention the name of the planet or if it was even in our solar system, only that these cosmic travelers hailed from elsewhere in the universe.

See complete account at <a href="">Zurbaran Abduction</a>

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