S02E11: Carny Nationalism

2 months ago

⚡️with White Dog⚡️

And Otterwaffen Jack and Dr. Mayhem and HouseJeep

> Sub-Premium Infotainment, For Free!
> video enhanced podcast 📺
>NSFW ⚠️
> 🔞
> Contains NLP embedded  Promotions
> Spider man cosplay tourism
(with swastikas!) 🕺
> inauthentic coordinated behavior
> Handsom Truth is still a jew-op 🌈

Find White Dog here:

🎞 https://odysee.com/@WHITEDOG:6

Check out Truth Slap:

🎞 https://odysee.com/@Truthslap:d

📎 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/lrsfWu76CC7K/

Find us here:

➡️  https://t.me/RealTyphus
➡️  https://t.me/tasown
➡️  tasown@proton.me

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