WATCH: C-SPAN Caller Says He’d Vote Trump Even If Trump ‘Were To Molest My Mother’

1 month ago

A C-SPAN caller claimed on Saturday he would vote for Donald Trump and “adore” him more even if he were to “molest” his mother.

On Saturday morning during an open forum call from viewers on Washington Journal, C-SPAN anchor Tammy Thueringer accepted a call from a viewer from New Mexico known as Aaron.

Aaron opened his discussion with Thueringer by claiming there is a rumor on TikTok that Democrats are going to “replace” President Joe Biden on the November general election ticket. After Thueringer asked Aaron if he was going to vote for Biden, the phone call took a wild turn, as a guest for another segment who was waiting in the green room, author Gabe Fleisher, pointed out in a post on X.

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