Healing with Bone Broth: A Personal Journey to Recovery

6 days ago

Dr. Rubin shares a powerful testimony about the healing power of bone broth. While conducting research in central California, he faced an incapacitating knee and foot injury. Turning to an age-old superfood he had championed in his books since 2002, he relied on bone broth to aid his recovery. Despite the challenge of making traditional bone broth at home, he found a convenient, high-quality, organic frozen option at a health food store. Consuming 48 ounces of this broth daily, Dr. Rubin experienced significant improvements, underscoring the profound benefits of this timeless remedy. His story highlights how simple, natural foods can play a critical role in health and healing, even amidst the demands of family and work. 🔗👉 ancientnutrition.com/lance 👉 use the code LANCEPLAN

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