Karen Read in 5 Minutes Part 6: Physics Don't work in Canuhn

8 months ago

Welcome to Canuhn, MA and the trial of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs Karen Read. In part 3 of our weekly update series we learned that technology and cell phones don’t function in Canuhn like they function in the rest of the world. We found out this week there is something else that doesn’t function the same in Canuhn……Physics. There is some kind of interruption in the space/time continuum there. Some kind of black hole exists, or maybe, people are just making stuff up.

When you think one of the most absurd trials in modern legal history has reach peak absurdity, you find out you are mistaken. It can and will get even weirder. Enter Troopah Pawl. He’s an “expert” witness for the CW. In his world, appendages, like arms don’t hinge, they stay statue straight take the brunt of force. In Pawl’s world there are things like clownclockwise and the entire earth is one blunt force object.

At least Trooper Guarino gave us an honest opinion of what it’s like to face a grilling from DA Lally. Finally some honesty in this abomination of a trial. Enjoy, and thank you to all the creators rolling along on this journey to absurdity.

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