JudgeNapoletano & Col. Douglas Macgregor: Geopolitical Updates, Putin, Ukraine, ISRAEL & more

1 month ago

21.06.24 - Video Credit #JudgingFreedom #JudgeNapolitano and #ColDouglasMacgregor
14.05.24 Col. Douglas Macgregor: Shakeup in Russian National Security, GEOPOLITICS and more
Douglas Macgregor TRUTH on: The war in Ukraine is over and Russia Winners - Chilling Warning to NATO
As always, wise and brilliant commentary by Col. Macgregor. It seems that every day I am surrounded by people who think Russia is the old Soviet Union and who think Putin is poised to restore the old regime. I grow weary of being called a “Putin apologist.” The damage inflicted by the MSM is immense and the nonsense it constantly spouts just contributes to the malaise affecting our poor, weakened country. But those of us who value and recognize truth are thankful for Col. Macgregor, always frank, direct, informed, and, above all, dedicated to truth. Thank you both, Judge and Colonel, for your courage at a time when we need it most.

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