HARNWELL: The main issue with illegal immigration isn’t the illegality — it’s the immigration itself

3 months ago

VIDEO SYNTHESIS / I hated to have to “correct” the great president of the Heritage Foundation on air but it was necessary. He was simply wrong to suggest that everyone presently in the US illegally should leave and then come back in legally. No way!

That’s to fundamentally mis-state the problem. The UniParty has flooded America with millions of people who hate the idea of America and hate the ideas on which America was founded.

These all need to be deported. It’s long past time that Americans — of all ethnicities and backgrounds — had a government passionate about putting *their* interests FIRST — not LAST.








Hi there folks, thanks for watching!

I’m Benjamin Harnwell, International Editor of “Steve Bannon’s WarRoom” — the Number 1 ranked US political podcast.

Follow me on the world’s greatest social media app at https://gettr.com/user/harnwell

Aired On: 06/22/24

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