How To Treat Perimenopause Symptoms Naturally & Without Hormones

8 months ago

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Welcome to our video on transforming perimenopause: from surviving to thriving! Learn how to conquer perimenopause symptoms, including sleep disturbances and menopause weight gain, without feeling isolated or overwhelmed by conventional advice. Reclaim a vibrant, fulfilling life with the help of Georgia Limmer, a Naturopath and Nutritionist.

In this video, Georgia Limmer shares practical advice on managing perimenopause naturally. Discover how simple changes, such as altering your breakfast, can make a significant difference. Understanding perimenopause and its signs is crucial for navigating this phase of life effectively. Georgia explains what perimenopause is and provides clear steps towards feeling great every day.

Find out about the variety of perimenopause supplements and non-hormonal menopause treatments available to help alleviate pre-menopausal signs and symptoms. Recognise the signs of perimenopause at 40 and learn about early menopause symptoms and symptoms of premature menopause. Georgia’s approach focuses on nurturing your body with what it truly needs.

Opt in today to receive your exclusive empowerment pack, which includes a 'Healthy and Affordable' meal plan to support your journey through perimenopause. Georgia's expertise in mental well-being, hormonal balance, and gut health ensures personalised care tailored to your needs.

About Georgia Limmer: With a Bachelor of Health Science and a Graduate Diploma in Psychology, Georgia is a highly qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist. She specialises in mental well-being, hormonal balance, and gut health, using a food-first philosophy. Accredited in Gut Ecology and Metabolic Modulation, Georgia provides supportive and personalised care to help you take control of your health.

Join us to explore perimenopause treatments, menopause treatments, and how to recognise signs of menopause. This video will guide you through understanding perimenopause tests, pre-menopausal signs, and peri-menopausal symptoms. Learn how to manage menopause weight gain and find effective solutions for your health journey.

Watch our video to transform your experience of perimenopause and thrive in this phase of life. Don't forget to enter your details to access your exclusive empowerment pack and start feeling fantastic every day.

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