I Married the Bubble Man

6 years ago

TERRIFIED of catching a skin disease people shout at Mohammad Umar to go away like an annoying stray animal. But to his wife, he is a loving kind man. Ever since Umar, 62, started growing small lumps on his hands at 14 his body has slowly been ravaged by tumours.
Now, he has benign tumours covering his entire body.

‘I’m a good man,’ he said. ‘And I can work hard but my looks are a problem to other people. No one likes looking at me or being near me. It’s ruined my life.’ Umar, from Hyderabad, India, was born healthy. His mother had lumps on her hands but no where else. Without realising she had passed on a more agrresive disease. She died in 2001. ‘I was born with soft smooth skin,’ he said. ‘I didn’t realise what they were when they started growing at 14 but then my mother noticed they were the same as her hands and took me to see a doctor.’ But as the years passed Umar’s condition progressively got worse. By the time he was 20 he had random lumps growing on numerous parts of his body. He said: ‘I knew it was going to get worse. I knew it was a nightmare to come.’

Sadly, two years ago Mohammad Umar died in a road accident.

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