Anna: Xi Jinping to Continue Consolidating Power

2 months ago

06/21/2024 Anna on Outside the Beltway: Xi Jinping, facing China's economic collapse internally and diplomatic isolation externally, is sure to be a target within the party. He will therefore continue to consolidate his power to avoid the overthrow of the XiCP.
#XiCP #3rdPlenarySessionofthe20thCCP #NewAxisofEvil
06/21/2024 喜安娜做客Outside the Beltway:习近平内部面临中国经济崩溃,外部面临外交孤立,肯定会成为党内的众矢之的。因此,他将继续巩固自己的权力,避免习家党被推翻。
#习家党 #中共二十届三中全会 #新邪恶轴心

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