States Preparing Criminal Charges Against Big Pharma — FULL SHOW 6/19/24

1 month ago
Sports Sand Land ive Chat 3 697 4 days ago Mytquinn979797 States Preparing Criminal Charges Against Big Pharma — FULL SHOW 6/19/24bretastewart   Military intervention for National Security against the United States of America 🇺🇸. CowboyKen   Hooah is a Army thing! thirtylove   Straight leg infantry thirtylove  Air assult JESUS CHRIST IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR RevanUPL David Mayor De(lord) Rothschild the heir to the Rothschild wealth take a look at him he also has video on you tube where scales go over his eyes VigilantH Wikipedia? 🍑💨 dirtydoge1 W Jesus RevanUPL A maaaan dirtydoge1 L retards TurboAnthymnOverdrive Hilarious that you don't think we can send a rocket to space when we frequently fire missiles at everything Mytquinn979797 THE FAKE JEWS ARE THE KHAZARIANS petewell football field sized microwaves gonna blast you buildings cars metal bullets guns foundations RevanUPL fake jews dont exist lol RevanUPL its a konvert religion VigilantH Yeah they do RevanUPL Nah RevanUPL thats a cope VigilantH They're agnostic Mytquinn979797 UKRAINE IS MEANT TO BE THE NEW ISRAEL dirtydoge1 O yes they do lol they own your ass right now VigilantH But they claim to be Jewish VigilantH While worshipping molech AnalragShitol stallone's mother is half ukranian jewish VigilantH That's what the Rothschilds do RevanUPL Ukraine has the most synogaugs in the workd and banned orthodox Russian Christianity lol petewell they microwave from above and below dirtydoge1 @h yes this is the problem RevanUPL All jews kiss the wall of moloch lol Mytquinn979797 THE TALMUD IS A SATANIC BOOK... 8 GENDERS ETC RevanUPL ^ TXCS2 how you doin' RevanUPL Ukrainian jews are killing white slavics to build their new isreali state LynxofFinland I am fed up
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