Ramble Christian Podcast, Ep 3. Replying to comments & false teachings of Andrew Wilson

8 months ago

Ramble Christian Podcast. I wanted to wait like 2 weeks or so before doing another video about Andrew Wilson at the Crucible, but last weeks video got some backlash, so I said I would take time to fully explain my meaning. so here it is. This is a series, but I do hope to take time and upload on other things for a bit, I need a palate cleanser.

Andrew Wilson teaches a works based salvation, I would say he is a false teacher, and to many many people online, I am afraid he might be a false representation of what God is, what the Gospel is, what salvation is. This review series is from a two hour podcast, of Lauren Chen, Andrew Wilson, talking about feminism, and Hypergamy, the Red Pill, Orthodoxy's Protestantism, Only Fans Models who have turned to Jesus. #solascriptura #andrewwilson #christiandoctrine #thecrucible #laurenchen #Thewhateverpodcast #whateverpodcast

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