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Living under apartheid in Denmark 2024

8 months ago

In this video I highlight the latest documentation that directly proves how the Danish government and intelligence agency PET, have placed me! under some kind of arbitrary and administrative punishment, without there ever being any court proceedings whatsoever, in fact nothing is in accordance with the rule of law, and everything is controlled by the Danish government and intelligence agency arbitrarily and indefinitely,
They have not only put almost all encompassing prohibitions and restrictions against my Stephen Bell legal rights and freedoms, but also anybody who gets into contact with me or my small business one stop engine shop at https://motorbutikken.dk/ and this aspect of the Danish government persecution of me, I can easily prove, which is what I do in this video definitively.

Update: As has been seen many times previous, on the same day, I put out this video the Danish state allows me, to have one sale! totaling 600 kroner, just so that my claim, in this video regarding June 2024 becomes questionable, however at closer inspection 600kr is pennies! my normal average even on the Draconian circumstances in 2023 per month was 22.000 DKK so they are just playing PSYOP games as per usual! and this is continuing

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Did this start about 3-4 months into the plandemic? My handcrafted stuff-sale just stopped about that time...