Saudi Arabia NOW! Extreme Heatwave Catastrophe Leads To Mass Casualties in Mecca

3 months ago

A wave of anomalous heat swept over Saudi Arabia. On Monday, June 17, temperatures in Mecca soared to 125 °F according to meteorologists. On Tuesday, it reached 116.6°F. Even at night, temperatures rarely dropped below 104°F.

The extreme heat coincided with the Hajj pilgrimage, which took place from June 14 to 19 this year. Many pilgrims fell victim to heat stress. On Sunday alone, over 2,700 people suffered heatstroke and were taken to local hospitals. The unbearable heat caused people to collapse in the streets. Eyewitnesses reported seeing motionless bodies lying by the roadside. The crowds were so dense that it was impossible to help those who fell. Ambulance services were overwhelmed by the sheer number of calls.

A pilgrim from Egypt described the situation as "like the end of the world." Hundreds of people lined up at the emergency complex in the Al-Muaisem district of Mecca to collect the bodies of their loved ones and to find information about missing family members.

According to AFP, including official statements and diplomatic reports,, the death toll had reached 1,126 people. More than half of them were Egyptian citizens. Deaths during the pilgrimage were also confirmed by Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Jordan, Iran, Senegal, Tunisia, and several other countries.

Most of the deceased were unregistered pilgrims who had joined the Hajj through illegal channels. As a result, they could not access water, air-conditioned tents, or buses. These people were forced to remain on the streets, exposed to the extreme heat.

Authorities prefer not to comment on heat-related deaths.
Temperatures around the planet are rapidly rising. Not only traditionally hot countries like Saudi Arabia are affected, but also those with more moderate climates. Last week, extreme heat affected over 150 countries across all continents simultaneously.

Scientists understand that the primary cause of this rapid temperature increase is the heating of the Earth's core. They also know how to approach solving this problem to prevent a global catastrophe. Whether scientists can implement this solution depends on each person.

More information can be found at the “Global Crisis. The Responsibility” forum.

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