Capricorn Full Moon - the first of two this month!

5 months ago

Happy Honey Moon ☺️

Today’s full moon at 1 degree and 7 minutes of Tropical Capricorn is a culmination point of the current lunar cycle which began 15 days earlier. In Europe, it is known as the Mead (honey) Moon, which was considered an auspicious time to get married.

The moon is in Mūla Nakshatra, which is known as Vishnu Nabhi - the navel of Lord Vishnu who sustains the universe- and is known as the Galactic Centre in Western astrology, through it doesn’t carry exactly the same interpretation. As one of the lunar mansions, Mūla - meaning root - is about regeneration, transformation, destruction, and chaos.

People with planets in Mūla Nakshatra are fully aware of the difficulties and the destructive influences in this world, and they’re ready to deal with them, transforming themselves and helping others transform as necessary.

Mūla also represents a sense of responsibility and emotional resilience, diligence, and the need to uncover the truth. As Pluto entered into Capricorn in 2008 and 2009 at the same degree of this full moon, we can reflect on the transformational qualities of this period of around a decade and a half to observe what this represents for us.

Here I'm also reading passages from Elias Lonsdale's "Star Sparks" (my old, unpublished edition from about 15 years ago, speaking of Pluto entering Capricorn!). It has been re-edited and published recently, but I don't know the title. Search for it under his name.

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