How to Murder 800 Million People

7 months ago

I don't know see how you or any reasonable human being can look objectively at what's been happening since the COVID PSYOP was launched against humanity, and NOT see it for what it really was: a giant psychological warfare and depopulation operation, the magnitude of which is unparalleled in human history.
Not only was COVID PSYOP, just like the [still ongoing] "Climate Change" PSYOP before it, an ingeniously designed smokescreen for a worldwide political takeover operation by the Globalist, Technocratic elite all of whom have an evil, Malthusian vision for the future of humanity, it's also been a genocidal depopulation operation by the radical, far-Left servants of the thirteen central banking families--the psychotic, inbred demons who have been deliberately and systematically dismantling Western civilization for over a hundred years now. (See the Thirteen Families).
After more than four years of research by thousands of brave scientists, doctors, lawyers, and other professionals, we now have clear and convincing evidence that a total of more than 200 million people have been knowingly and intentionally murdered (so far) as a direct consequences of the COIVID PSYOP, 35 million of whom were murdered outright after being coercively injected with an "investigational" mRNA genetic mutagen that was unlawfully disguised as a "vaccine," and then forced upon humanity without adequate human safety trials or oversight by the people have been [so wrongly] entrusted to protect the public's health.
It's not hyperbole, folks, when I say that the COVID PSYOP and biological attack that was recently implemented by the global ruling class against the people of this planet is the single greatest crime that's ever been carried out against humanity by any group of people in world history. In fact, it has been the "Mother of all Crimes."
COVID-19 PSYOP Exposed
How a Free Society Deals with Pandemics
Epidemic of Pandemic Simulations
The Emperor Wears No Clothes
The 5G War Against Humanity
Meet the Thirteen Families
Freedom Movement Web Site
Freedom Movement Manifesto
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