
8 months ago

There seems to be a near epidemic in the country of young people being overweight or obese. Obvious answers are to eat better, including more fruits and vegetables, and exercise. However, what are the reasons young people eat so much junk food? It has a lot to do with using food as comfort food to block out mental anguish tht comes from parents not expressing love to their children and otherwise caring for them. Parents should be more aware of their child's weight situation, but some parents seem bent on pushing junk food to their children. It seems to bring them comfort. It's another dysfunction.
Yes, children should eat better and exercise and get off their phones. They should go outside and play for one thing. Parents should love their children, that would take away much stress from them and improve their eating habits as well.
This problem must be faced in a loving and positive way. It all starts with the parents.

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