Eternity Online Church Service - Victory Is Yours (2024)

8 months ago

Eternity Online Church Service - Victory Is Yours (2024)
Pastors David & Rosanna Palmer
Praise & Worship
Living Word
Creative Presentation
Prayer for healing

"Victory Belongs to You" - Rosanna Palmer, Creative
Encouraging, uplifting and informative message from Rosanna Palmer, including excerpts from her original songs:
It Is Finished,
Good News,
Fight of Faith,

"Overcoming the Evil, Daily Wrestle with Mammon, Part 2" - David W Palmer

How to Overcome the Evil Daily Wrestle with Mammon
1. Choose the right investment bank
2. Choose the right focus
3. Choose the right master
4. Choose the right objective
5. Choose the right weapons
6. Choose to fight
7. Choose the easy way to win

Jesus, Lord, Father, God, Holy Spirit, encouragement, faith, vision, Rosanna's Raiders, Rosanna and Dave, love, overcome, persist, victory, joy, love, Jesus, Lord, Father, God, Holy Spirit, Evangelism, Outreach, sinner's prayer, born again, salvation, gifts, teamwork, church, encouragement, faith, vision, Evangelism, outreach, sinners prayer, persistence, progress, Rosanna's Raiders, Rosanna and Dave, love, pruning, fruit, born again, salvation

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