June 21, 2024

15 days ago

Hope you like this. It contains some brand new comms from Ooona via Dan Willis and Elena Danaan about crystal healing as well as general information on holographic projection and how to accomplish it.

Elena's Webpage is an amazing compendium of all things off world and is located at https://www.elenadanaan.org/

Dan also has an unbelievable amount of information on crystals and the Phryll energy generator at https://marcelvogel.org/

The section of this video on holographic projection with crystal assistance is from a new communication between Elena and Oona. The entire log of conversations with Jen Han and others is located at: https://www.marcelvogel.org/JenhanCommunicationsLog.pdf

Photo Credits:

By Wammes Waggel - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5175482
By Acmedogs - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=29623199
#HolographicHealing #holographicuniverse #ManifestationTechniques #hologram #3D #WellnessInnovation #HolisticHealing #MindBodyspirit #mindbodysoul #Healing #ManifestationJourney

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