125: Fostering a Safe and Accepting Environment, Remembering You Are More Than Just a Parent- Jess

15 days ago

In this episode of the Young Dad podcast, host Jay interviews Jess Siemers, the host of the Panic Button podcast. Jess shares her own experience with anxiety and panic disorder and how she started her podcast as a therapeutic outlet. They discuss the importance of creating a safe space for people to share their mental health stories and the need to change the stigma around mental health. They also talk about the challenges of balancing mental health as a parent and the importance of self-care. Jess emphasizes the importance of providing a safe and accepting environment for children to express themselves and be who they want to be. The conversation highlights the positive impact of podcasting on mental health and personal growth. Both speakers express how podcasting has helped them become more patient, open-minded, and appreciative of life. They emphasize the importance of self-care and nurturing other aspects of life outside of parenting. They also discuss the significance of spreading kindness and encouragement to others. The conversation concludes with advice for struggling parents to prioritize their mental health and remember that they are more than just parents.

Creating a safe space for people to share their mental health stories is important in breaking the stigma around mental health.
Balancing mental health as a parent is challenging but crucial for both the parent and the child.
Providing a safe and accepting environment for children to express themselves is essential for their well-being.
Self-care is important for maintaining mental health and should be prioritized by parents.
Being vulnerable and sharing personal experiences can lead to personal growth and increased compassion. Podcasting can have a positive impact on mental health and personal growth.
It is important to prioritize self-care and nurture other aspects of life outside of parenting.
Spreading kindness and encouragement to others can make a significant difference.
Parents should remember that they are more than just parents and prioritize their mental health.
Supporting struggling parents and offering encouragement can be impactful.


00:00 Introduction and Podcast Overview
01:01 Starting the Panic Button Podcast
05:56 Understanding Medication and Treatment
07:38 Balancing Mental Health and Parenting
10:08 Postpartum Mental Health
12:18 Finding Identity as a Parent
15:05 Co-Parenting and Creating a Safe Environment
23:52 The Importance of Father Figures
28:16 Being Present and Involved as a Dad
29:13 Personal Growth through the Podcast
31:31 Becoming More Compassionate and Patient
34:01 Opening Up to New Conversations and Perspectives
37:10 The Therapeutic Nature of Podcasting
38:03 The Importance of Balancing Seriousness and Fun
38:31 The Power of Perspective and Learning from Others
42:46 Teaching Kindness and Respect to Children
45:20 The Impact of Words and Body Image
52:12 The Challenges of Middle School and the Importance of Kindness
58:01 Taking Care of Yourself as a Parent

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