Update! Announcement! "I've just finished Recording with the Lovely Dani Henderson!" Out on 24/06!

15 days ago

Just a Quick Public Announcement to let everyone Know that On Monday Night, the 24th of June 2024, I Will be Appearing And Sharing in My Experiences with One of Most Amazing Human Being and Grounded Starseed Soul on the Planet!
I will be Joining the Most Inviting and Heartwarming Human Being and Starseed I've connected with, the Lovely Dani Henderson.
We will be Both on her Channel on YouTube Channel Sharing with her Audience in My Personal Experiences since my Curious Birth, Right up to Present Day!

Also Prepare Yourself for an Announcement from me In relation to being Validated By Another Very Well Known Loved and Admired Person in Our Community, Mr Dan Willis!
I have been Personally In Contact with Dan for nearly a Year now, creating a Repóir and Friendship/Trust with him,, and Have Proven over time that I am Indeed an Emyrther Contact Abductee as a Child!
(Emyrther = GFW Members)
Dan has Provided me with Information that I have Permission to Share With Dani's Audience about why I have had Contact with the Emyrther!
And it's Bearing on My Future!

To find out what this New Revealing Info is about Me, Please be sure to Join us On Both on Monday Night,
the 24th of June 2024, and Tune in to the Live Chat, as We Will both be in there For My First Show With,
The Lovely Dani Henderson.

I Sincerely look forward to seeing You All Joining Us!

"Ad Astra Per Aspera 🖖🏻"
Through Suffering/Adversity/Struggle,
To the Stars ✨

"Ex Artis SCIENTIA 🖖🏻"
From the Stars ✨ with Knowledge 🪷

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