"Four Living Creatures" (Audio Book) || Music Demo Submission

13 days ago

"Four Living Creatures" - Audio Book
Demo Submission to be the composer

I came across a job post in 2023 to be a composer on an audio book project relating to biblical stories. It seemed interesting enough, so I took a day to listen to scores from past religious themed films (that used orchestral approaches) and then spent a 2nd day composing this short 2-minute cue for submission. It is a suite so there is a lot of varying parts and it starts off with mystique and intrigue, using fragments of what will become the main theme and then ending on a bombastic Omen-esque / Lion In The Winter choral moment.

Composed, Performed & Mixed by: Matthew C. Hightshoe (aka: D4Disguntled)

All demo submissions fall under my real name as a way to separate my professional work from my independent work. While my indie work is done as though it could have been done for the entertainment industry, my professional work is music composed specifically with the intent of being used in the entertainment industry. ALSo, it allows for me to composed in a variety of music styles that are not typically part of my "indie" brand.

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