Liberals Sing the Supreme Court Immunity Appeal "Delay" Blues

8 months ago

The U.S. Supreme Court did NOT rule on presidential immunity in the third week of June which means the decision will be handed down in the final week, quite possibly on Friday, June 28. And this has driven liberals NUTS as you can see in this compilation in which they sing the Supreme Court Immunity Appeal "Delay" Blues. As you can see, the liberals are absolutely outraged that the delay will push the trials past election day which would interfere with their Election Interference Lawfare of getting convictions before the election.

So look for yet more liberal heads to explode when the Supreme Court hands down its decision towards the end of June. Oh, and there might be even more violent liberal head explosions if/WHEN they find out that CORRUPT Judge Juan Merchan is unable to sentence President Trump on July 11 because the issue of jury tampering hasn't been resolved. It would not be hard to locate self-proclaimed Facebook "sh*t poster" Michael Anderson and/or check the cell phones of the jurors to see if someone on the jury did indeed inform Anderson that the jury had found Trump guilty a day BEFORE that verdict was handed down. The fact that a couple of weeks of utter silence has gone by without any more mention of Michael Anderson or the jury tampering episode in the media is a strong TELL that any real investigation of this case would yield a result that makes the July 11 sentencing impossible.

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