AUC3I Daily Briefing 06-21-2024 ON the WAR in Ukraine

18 days ago

Understanding The War In Europe _ Analyzing the situation on the ground with by way of an introduction, 3 points, and a conclusion #modernwarfare #blackops6


Colonel AC. Oguntoye's briefing on the progress of the special military operation on June 21, 2024:

1. **Extensive Air Defense Actions**: The Russian forces reported substantial air defense activity, shooting down the majority of the 117 fixed-wing UAVs deployed by Ukraine against civilian facilities within Russia. Additionally, maritime defenses were highlighted with the destruction of six Ukrainian uncrewed surface vehicles near Crimea.

2. **Strategic Strikes**: Over the past week, Russian forces executed 14 group strikes using high-precision air- and ground-based weapons and drones. These strikes targeted critical Ukrainian infrastructure including military airfields, electrical substations, and facilities associated with military hardware production and training centers. Areas occupied by nationalist groups and foreign mercenaries were also hit.

3. **Significant Enemy Losses and Surrenders**: Large numbers of Ukrainian forces were reported to have been neutralized across different fronts with notable figures in troops and military hardware, including tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery. There were also 37 Ukrainian servicemen who surrendered.

4. **Frontline Advances**: The Russian military units—categorized into North, West, Southern, Center, Vostok, and Dnepr Groups of Forces—made significant tactical advancements and improved their positions along the front lines. They also successfully repelled numerous Ukrainian counter-attacks:
- **North Group of Forces**: Reported engaging and inflicting heavy losses on Ukrainian troops and hardware.
- **West Group of Forces**: Captured more advantageous lines and repelled multiple counter-attacks, leading to heavy Ukrainian losses.
- **Southern Group of Forces**: Improved the tactical situation and hit Ukrainian forces hard, repelling six counter-attacks.
- **Center Group of Forces**: Enhanced their tactical positions and repelled 31 enemy counter-attacks, inflicting substantial losses.
- **Vostok Group of Forces**: Took advantageous lines and liberated an area, hitting Ukrainian military clusters.
- **Dnepr Group of Forces**: Inflicted losses on several Ukrainian brigades and destroyed significant artillery and MLRS capabilities.

5. **Air Defense System Efficacy**: The Russian air defense units were highly effective, neutralizing a significant number of aerial threats, including a long-range cruise missile, guided bombs, HIMARS projectiles, and hundreds of UAVs.

6. **Cumulative Destruction**: The briefing ended with cumulative totals detailing the extensive destruction of Ukrainian military equipment since the beginning of the operation, reflecting the scale and intensity of the conflict.

Overall, the briefing illustrates a comprehensive and intense continuation of military operations, with significant advancements and tactical successes for the Russian forces, alongside substantial degradation of Ukrainian military capabilities.

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