Words for BIBI NETANYAHU - if that is your real name, From James Easton

15 days ago

I know what you're up to. I know you'll get away while your people suffer and die as per the plan. Israel will never build the third temple at this rate. The Euphrates will dry up and the Armies of the East will come and destroy you. You are the Synagog of Satan and you will know that I do not approve. Your reckless murder campaign makes you a butcher of innocents. While the world leaders stand by the rest of the world HATES YOUR GUTS. You are neither Hebrew or Semetic, and you're 97% Khazarian according to the University of TelAviv. You're all fucking Converts to Judaism and you bastardized it with you ritual child blood sacrafice to Baal. Your rabbid rabbis seek world domination and the wiping out of the white race by misogenation. You have the world by the balls. Something's got to give and when it does YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!!!!!
Followed by scenes from 9/11 from the start to the demise of tower 2. Then Jimmy Dorr Show about Israeli Children singing of Genocide.

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