China requires all companies operating there to cooperate with its intelligence agencies and the PLA

6 months ago

6/13/2024 [Assessing MS Corp’s Cybersecurity Shortfalls & the Implications for Homeland Security] Communist China has a law requiring all companies operating there to cooperate with its intelligence agencies and the PLA. Under such circumstances, is it worth it for Microsoft to maintain its business in Communist China, which only accounts for 1% of its income?
#NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #Microsoft #NationalIntelligenceLaw
6/13/2024 【评估微软网络安全缺陷对美国土安全的影响】中共国有一项法律要求所有在其境内运营的公司必须与其情报机构和解放军合作。在这种情况下,微软值得继续开展只占其收入1%的在华业务吗?
#新中国联邦 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #中共 #微软 #中华人民共和国国家情报法

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