Alex Christoforou & Alexander Mercouris: Putin in N Korea & Vietnam is driving the West Crazy (6-20-2024)

1 month ago
70 (They have a very interesting discussion about how naive the West is, especially the United States, in their foreign policy. What did the West expect? Even a kid could have predicted this. Apparently the West isn't paying attention to political, economic & military changes in the world and has forgotten how to use diplomacy. Using sanctions, chaos & wars no longer works. Let's examine an analogy that wasn't used in the video, yet it seems appropriate. There are plenty of interstate roads in the USA where you can travel 100 miles at high speed in a straight line. Eventually, there will be a major curve in the road or some other issue. If you aren't paying attention, you will crash & maybe even die. This is essentially what the West is experiencing.)

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