6/20/24 Patriot Streetfighter PART 1, Epic Interview w/ Juan O Savin, TRUTH BOMBS!!

1 month ago

6/20/24 Patriot Streetfighter PART 1, Epic Interview w/ Juan O Savin, TRUTH BOMBS!!

In this episode, Scott McKay, Kurk Elliott and Juan O Savin discuss what is happening and what is expected to happen with the US dollar and the world banking system. They discuss the small businesses , food supply chain and other vectors of our economy being systematically destroyed by the big business sector of the deep state. We won WW3 and are now fighting WW4. Putin has now called the US the enemy. However, he realizes that he is not at war with the American people and that we have been captured by our own government that is a puppet regime being controlled by a breakaway civilization that is located 2 miles under the ice in the South Pole. When this is all over, there will be Nuremberg type trials and in my opinion these will be Nuremberg times 100...

To better understand what is coming, read the book "Danger Close" by Patrick Byrne:

Juan also dove into the Obama family history and brought out the fact that Obama's mother was being used as an operative at the age of 15. Very interesting Ties to communism on both sides of the family. Nothing is what it seems. Stanley Ann Dunham was not Barak Obama's mother. There is a deep discussion of the intelligence or spy world and got into Playboy and Hefner and Facebook and Zuckerberg. When Nixon was in office, he couldn't trust the FBI or the CIA. He set up his own intelligence network using homosexual sex workers to infiltrate the politicians and secret hand shake crowd. He was informed by his agents that he was being set up for Watergate 30 days before it happened but thought it was too far fetched and didn't believe it. Truman was working directly with the Rockefeller family to set up the UN, etc. Nixon parked all of the Operation paperclip NAZI's into the industries that matched their specialties. Kissinger was also working for David Rockefeller and so did Nixon after his term as VP and before he was "selected" as President. Eisenhauer understood that Truman was working against the US and worked to break up what had been done. Free energy has been known about and kept from the American citizens since before Nixon because he knew the formula for it. Elections have been controlled for much longer than any of us have realized. John Brennan had been running covers for the CIA during his early career.

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