India Ambassador Addresses Stagnation in Security Council Reforms at IGN

3 months ago

Ambassador Yojna Patel, India's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, delivered a powerful statement at the Intergovernmental Negotiations (IGN) on Security Council Reform. She expressed India's frustration with the lack of ambition and progress in the reform process, pointing out that the current negotiations have failed to yield significant results for decades.

Amb. Patel highlighted the urgent need for a more representative and effective Security Council, reflecting the geopolitical realities of the modern world. She emphasized that the existing structure, established post-World War II, is outdated and does not adequately represent the interests of developing nations, particularly those in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

For more insights on India's stance and the full speech by Amb. Patel, watch the complete video and stay updated on our channel.

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