India Ambassador Addresses Cybersecurity Threats at UNSC Debate

13 days ago

Ambassador R. Ravindra, Chargé d'Affaires and Deputy Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations, delivered a compelling statement at the UNSC Open Debate on "Addressing Evolving Threats in Cyberspace." Emphasizing the increasing sophistication and frequency of cyber threats, Ambassador Ravindra called for enhanced international cooperation and robust legal frameworks to tackle these challenges effectively.

Highlighting India's commitment to a secure and open cyberspace, he underscored the need for responsible state behavior and adherence to international law in cyberspace. Ambassador Ravindra also stressed the importance of capacity-building initiatives and sharing best practices among nations to bolster global cybersecurity resilience.

For a detailed analysis of India's position and Ambassador Ravindra's full statement, watch the complete video and stay updated on our channel.

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