He Hath Never Forgiveness - New Hymn

13 days ago

This song is based on the doctrine that there are some unpardonable sins only unbelievers can commit. Although the word "unpardonable" is not in the King James Bible, Jesus uses the phrase "hath never forgiveness" in Mark 3:29 when teaching about blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. The four verses explain ways unbelievers can become reprobate before leaving earth.

Verses 1 and 3: Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost (Matt 12:22-32) Being given up/given over to a reprobate mind (Rom 1:20-32)
Verse 2. Adding to, or taking away from God's Word (Rev 22:18,19)
Verse 4. End-times unbelievers who take the mark of the beast (Rev 14:9-11)

Of course, the final unpardonable sin is to die without believing on the Lord Jesus.

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