Acts - Chapter 8 DAILY BIBLE STUDY {Spoken Word - Text - Red Letter Edition}

8 months ago

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Hello, and welcome to "DAILY BIBLE INSPIRATION"
Enjoy reading God's word with spoken word and text. Red Letter Edition.
God is in control, always and forever. AMEN!

Acts - Chapter 8 Summary:

Acts chapter 8 details the spread of the Gospel beyond Jerusalem, driven by persecution and the evangelistic efforts of Philip. Following the martyrdom of Stephen, a severe persecution breaks out against the church in Jerusalem, scattering the believers throughout Judea and Samaria. Saul (later Paul) aggressively persecutes the church, dragging believers from their homes and imprisoning them. Despite this, Philip, one of the seven deacons, goes to Samaria and preaches the Messiah, leading to many conversions and miracles. He encounters Simon the Sorcerer, who believes and is baptized but later seeks to buy the power of the Holy Spirit, earning a stern rebuke from Peter. Meanwhile, Philip is led by the Holy Spirit to an Ethiopian eunuch, a high official traveling from Jerusalem. Philip explains a passage from Isaiah the eunuch is reading, leading to the eunuch’s conversion and baptism. Philip is then carried away by the Spirit to continue his ministry in other towns, spreading the Gospel.

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