Red Rover : Karaoke Version

8 months ago

Remember that time I put the sandwich in the VCR to see what would happen?

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”
~Friedrich Nietzsche

It’s hard not to be happy when you’re dancing.
And, it turns out, when you “dip it low, pick it up slow, roll it all around, poke it out, let your back go,” you’re getting a pretty badass workout, too.

12 Benefits of Dancing
-improves agility and flexibility
-improves balance and coordination
-improves cardiovascular health
-improves muscle tone and strength
-maintains and builds bone strength
-aids in weight loss or maintenance
-improves memory and cognition
-improves mood
-reduces stress levels
-provides an opportunity to socialize
-boosts self-esteem
-easily adaptable to meet your needs


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