Investigation Concludes Texas Panhandle Fire Started By Decayed Fallen Power Line

1 month ago

Wow. nvestigation concludes Texas panhandle fire started by decayed fallen power line. However, upon closer inspection the power pole appeared to be deliberately chopped at the base. 2 people were killed and 1 million acres burned.

I just found out about this horrible news is reason why I'm sharing with you now. Another fire that is man-made that caused so much devastation. Do you think this is on purpose? I think it is being done on purpose the power pole was chopped down at the base of the power pole that started the fire. It's like the evil ones get their rocks off watching people suffer. The Climate Change cult have eco-terrorists doing their dirty work so they blame fires on "Climate Change" or "Global Warming" and make it hard for homeowners in areas they don't want people to live in to get property insurance because of the high risk fire area.

The psycho NWO globalists want insurance companies to cancel policies in high risk areas. Their ultimate goal is to put us all into 15-minute cities that will be in urban areas. Therefore, they are burning everything down in the outskirts for people to move out of the area. Causing the people to want to live in safer areas in town. And those people who refuse to leave their beloved wilderness area in the woods, because of their man-made fires, insurance companies are refusing to insure their properties because of the high risk involved OR if they manage to get property insurance, the cost for the policy will be outrageously expensive.

I customized this background and description and added the captions that I proofread for you. Plus, I added an article detailing the Texas panhandle fire investigation for you to read.

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