U.N. Soldiers Being Trained in Ukraine & Sent to UK. & Ireland Disguised as Migrants - SLEEPER CELLS

8 months ago

Title: U.N. soldiers are being trained in Ukraine and sent to the U.K. & Ireland disguised as migrants
John O’Looney is a British undertaker who has become internationally known as a whistleblower on the unnatural increase in untimely deaths that he’s observed in his practice since the advent of the vaxxine. He has also corroborated the reports of American embalmer, Richard Hirschman, of finding these never-before-seen rubbery clots in the veins of the vaxxed.
I’ve only ever found O’Looney to be honorable and credible. He’s now claiming that, due to his newfound notoriety, members of the Black Watch battalion of the British Army have reached out to him, to tell him that they’ve been involved in training Albanian, Iraqi and Afghan soldiers in Antalya, Turkey and in Western Ukraine.
These British-trained mercenaries are then ordered to infiltrate migrant- and refugee groups, in order to enter the UK by the thousands. The UK government has contracted with thousands of hotels in order to house these people.
O’Looney says that British Army Major Anna de Buisseret, who spoke with him has “many contacts in the Army and they’re all telling her the same thing.”
He says there’s a new wave of people dying from the bioweapon injections but that officials will call this a “new variant”, which will then be used to justify a new wave of lockdowns and mandatory “quarantine camps” for the unvaxxed.
These British-trained foreign mercenaries will then be used to enforce this new phase of tyranny, because British soldiers would not want to drag off their own people to the COVID camps. Most active duty British soldiers have been conveniently deployed out of Britain, to Western Ukraine and Turkey, so they won’t be around to defend their people.
O’Looney says, “It was felt that British soldiers won’t be happy kicking in British doors. Why would they? Why would you kick in your own citizens’ – innocent peoples’ – doors? And drag them off?
“But these young lads, these foreign young lads from Albania, from Iraq and Afghanistan, they’re going to be only too happy to do that. And they’ll do as they’re told to do and that’s the reality.”
A similar plan appears to be playing out in the US. This is why the Biden Regime is so desperate for Title 42 to expire, in order to allow tens of millions more migrants and foreign mercenaries to crash the Southern Border.
The Globalists are orchestrating this invasion of vaccine-injured Western nations, with the help of our own militaries, in order to crash our economies and to replace Western citizens with a permanent underclass that has never had (and never will have) any Constitutional rights.
As Americans “die suddenly” from the bioweapon Death Shots, Third World invaders are being shipped in by the Globalists to help them usher in a One World Government with a Central Bank Digital Currency that’s tied to a Chinese-style social credit system.
Source - https://rumble.com/c/c-1606592

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