Homeworld: 3 Hands on Campaign 10 Stealth Ice Shelf Approach & Tactical Sensor Suppression.

8 months ago

Homeworld 3 Hands on Campaign Capturing Incarnate Destroyers We will be playing the Campaign Mission 10
In this mission I had to use Stealth to keep the Mothership hidden while we destroy the tactical sensor network and move the mothership into the crevasse undetected.
Welcome Back to ShatteredStarGames In this video we will tackle the Basic Operations and Advanced Tutorial and War Games for Homeworld 3 . Homeworld 3's War Games mode available on Steam here below.
The Homeworld 3: War Games The War Games game mode can be played solo or online with friends (3 players max).

Fusing Homeworld’s RTS gameplay with roguelike inspiration, commanders take on a randomized series of fleet combat challenges in Homeworld 3's War Games co-op mode. Claim powerful Artifacts that augment your ships with more power, speed, and, of course, weapons. Rise through the ranks to unlock new fleets and power ups to shake up your strategy.

Guess What Guys Gearbox and BBI Interactive have released a Demo for Homeworld 3's War Games mode available on Steam here below.

Make sure to like and subscribe to get more Extended coverage Counting down to the Homeworld 3 World release. As Promised here is a link that can get you access to the game 72 hrs before the official release date. https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/36412/Homeworld_3__Fleet_Command_Edition/
Also Below is the standard download link.
This Video is an Extended Hi Def version of Live Gameplay take a look at what BBI and Gearbox has been working on for us.
Video Credit: Steam Gearbox BBI Interactive.

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