Starmer’s ethics get called into question for the stupidest reason

1 month ago

Right, so today is the summer solstice, or Midsummer if you prefer, the longest day of the year and a mecca for all sorts of colourful characters to descend on sites such as Stonehenge to celebrate, druids doing druidy things and the like if that is what floats your boat.
Yesterday however, Stonehenge got a visit of an entirely different sort, Just Stop Oil turned up for a paint themed protest, pelting the ancient monument stones with powdered paint, made from cornflour as part of their ongoing protest against the use of fossil fuels, to highlight the need to move to renewables now, protest is meant to draw attention, is meant to be disruptive in order to make it’s point. Now I prefer to use the stuff to thicken a stew myself, but if someone wants to use it in a protest then that is perfectly fine, it washes off after all, but to hear Keir Starmer opine on the protest groups actions, you’d think they’d gone to Stonehenge and committed some sort of blood sacrifice, he went full Trump on them, but when he still staunchly refuses to condemn Israel for 9 months of death and destruction in Gaza, with 37,000 innocent lives taken and counting, his comments over some powder paint have painted him, as some sort of sociopath.
Right, so Stonehenge, we all know it, ancient megalithic monument on the Salisbury Plains and is today swarming with people celebrating the Summer Solstice, as it has done for many years and somehow it has survived this each and every time. It has weathered the presence of druids and hippies alike, it has survived war, famine and the presence of accidentally released into the countryside, wild boar. It has stood for 5000 years and is still standing. Well, most of it is, but it is thousands of years old, give the place a break.
Now the protest group Just Stop Oil has become a bit of a favourite target for the media to attack, their penchant for using bright orange paint to draw attention to humanity inflicted climate change and the need to stop using fossil fuels is what drives them and they have certainly been effective at doing that, spray painting buildings associated with the fossil fuel lobby, roads, yesterday, they even sprayed Taylor Swift’s private jet with orange paint to make their point, but that wasn’t quite as newsworthy as painting Stonehenge apparently as this footage shows:
Now, you can agree or disagree with Just Stop Oil’s actions, I can’t say I do support everything they do insofar as the way they choose to protest, but I will defend their right to protest, because that is a human right and so often in the past it is only by protest has change effectively been delivered in this country. But in this instance I have no problem with them, because for one, they’ve clearly thought through this action before they did it and for two, this is hardly the first time Stonehenge has been used to effect protest. Here’s a couple of photographs from yesteryear for example, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament marked up the stones in their ban the bomb campaign from 1961, big yellow signage and lettering it was, that will have caused more damage than Just Stop Oil did, because their fire extinguishers were filled with coloured cornflour, the same stuff we use in the kitchen to thicken sauces, soups and stews and as anyone who has used knows, it is completely water soluble, it washes off and a quick rinse, a rain shower and all that orange paint will be gone. Despite attempts in that footage to stop the protesters from spraying the stones and I concede the people trying to stop it, wouldn’t have known the contents of those extinguishers, it was in effect a harmless, but nonetheless powerful statement, because we’re all talking about it, that will wash away and cause no harm. Cornflour or corn starch depending on where you’re from is just ground up corn. Aside from being flammable, it is totally harmless. Just Stop Oil weren’t taking a match to it after all, so for everyone screaming about this, stop it. The right to protest is our human right, we all have that right, what was done here has done no harm. I know some are pointing out the presence of a rare lichen there, again, cornflour won’t hurt it, no damage has been done, more damage has been done in the past, which is why restrictions are in place now regarding access to the monument, more damage is done through climate change to it, but if you were really perturbed and have suddenly decided that Stonehenge is really, really important to you now it got an orange powder painting, you’ll go mad when you discover plans to dual carriageway the nearby A303 involves a road tunnel being built right alongside the stones, or did you not know about that?
If you’re so offended by people protesting you will be the sort of person who would have been against the Suffragettes and women getting the vote, how about Black Lives Matter, don’t like that one either? How about the mess of Roe vs Wade getting overturned in the US making abortion illegal in so many states, do you think that shouldn’t be protested at? That we should just accept our lot?
Protest is borne out of bad backwards thinking governance and our planet is on fire. We’re on course to have an unliveable world and 1 million species being wiped out by our actions and you’re getting angry about cornflour being sprayed over a monument, which on today of all days, people gather at to celebrate nature! Give your head a wobble please.
Protest can effect change when governments refuse to and coming on to Keir Starmer in all of this, a man who is campaigning to become Prime Minister with the one word slogan change, has, in the most Keir Starmer way possible, shown that he stands for anything but and that his views on legitimate protest should greatly concern us, because he’s effectively gone full Trump in his attitude towards Just Stop Oil’s Stonehenge protest. He put out a quick tweet which has had people tearing their hair out in exasperation, - those who have hair obviously, some of us make videos about it instead, where he said:
‘The damage done to Stonehenge is outrageous. Just Stop Oil are pathetic. Those responsible must face the full force of the law.’
Do you know who is really pathetic Keith? You are. Ignorance like this shows that people like Starmer are the reason instructions are still printed on shampoo bottles.
There was no damage, it was cornflour! I understand someone as bland and boring as you are might find the stuff slightly spicy, but it won’t affect the monument, nor the flora and fauna surrounding it. It will wash off in the next rain shower, you know what they are, you seem to have come down in the last one.
But the Trumpian bit was where he said they should face the full force of the law. For what? It was a harmless protest, as is their human right, and you, as a former human rights lawyers should damn well know that, so what plans have you got for our human rights in which case if you can’t recognise what should be human rights law 101? What plans for a protest crackdown do you have? I checked the Labour Party manifesto and searched the word protest. It only appears once in the whole document and that was as a swipe at Corbyn’s time calling it a party of protest. I guarantee he’ll criminalise legitimate protest, or at least try, he clearly thinks the full force of the law needs throwing at Just Stop Oil, but on what charges in this instance I’d really like to know, because there is none.
While he claims the full force of the law should be applied to protesters here in the UK though, he cannot of course bring himself to say the same of genocidal Israel and the 37,000 innocent people, mostly women and children that have been killed in Gaza. He doesn’t want to jump to reach conclusions there, to my mind therefore exemplifying what an authoritarian sociopath he seems to be. Perhaps if Just Stop Oil funded his leadership campaign instead of the Israel Lobby he’d be singing from a different hymn sheet. But then of course there is always a bit of video footage isn’t there showing what a two faced charlatan he is:
Just like all of his pledges, cornflour washes away. Starmer cites his time as running the Crown Prosecution Service as proof he can be an effective Prime Minister, but his time there was marred with pointless changes, and authoritarianism, where the autonomy of the CPS was removed, and where in a survey taken halfway through Starmer’s tenure as Director of Public prosecutions found the Crown Prosecution Service to be badly managed and failing – the survey was conducted amongst CPS staff, It was determined that under Starmer only 1 in 14 staff felt that reforms he was introducing would improve prosecution rates, only 1 in 12 felt the changes were being managed well and when senior CPS staff were told of these results, the staff involved in the survey were ordered to go for retraining! That will be the whole country under Starmer. He’s an inept middle manager at best, combined with an inability to accept fault himself and an unfortunate authoritarian streak that makes him the sort of person who belongs nowhere near power. If he's coming for our right to protest as part of that, then we need to join the protest, not cheer the demise of it.
Meanwhile, Starmer’s lies appear to be catching up with him after yet another unfortunate interview on LBC with Nick Ferrari, only this time it was just a question from the general public that caused him to go to pieces! Get the details of that Keir Starmer car crash on this video recommendation here and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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