RFK Jr @ Rally Against Censorship - May 2022 | Personal Sovereignty, Awakening & Transformation

6 days ago

RFK Jr addresses crowd at Facebook Headquarters:

0:53 The idealism of our generation and the technological revolution

2:19 Brianne Dressen and her vaccine injury Facebook Community Group deplatformed

4:48 You are not working for the good guys

7:30 Being deplatformed and the appeal process

10:30 Censorship is the weapon of tyrants

12:30 Freedom of Religion

13:42 Freedom of assembly, property rights and jury trial

15:38 Guarantee of due process of the law

20:12 What we did in this country didn’t work

23:16 They used the pandemic as a pretense for obliterating democracy

23:57 Fighting for our rights

c 2022 Gerard Ange Productions International, 415-975-1999

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