Very good explanation by Mark Z on why the white hats often spread misinformation and disinformation

6 months ago

👆This is a very good explanation by Mark Z on why the white hats often spread misinformation and disinformation regarding things like the currency RV, silver and gold and anything Financial related.

I know many people get confused and frustrated by it, but if you watch this video, he does a brilliant job of explaining why it would be done and why it’s necessary.

This is just another reminder to not only use discernment, but to not overly judge other truthers who might simply be trying their best to try to figure things out.

Not everybody who gets things wrong is doing it in a malicious or deceitful manner. Not everybody is “BS-ing” you just to grow an audience or make money.

Many are simply the collateral damage of the necessary efforts by the white hats to make sure that nobody with ill intentions has access to new systems.

H/T to @kfischer37 for sharing in the chat 🙏


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