"How Wood Frogs Survive Being Frozen Alive: Nature's Incredible Adaptation"

1 month ago

The wood frog (Rana sylvatica) has a remarkable ability to survive being frozen during the winter. This amphibian's unique adaptation allows it to tolerate the formation of ice within its body. Here's how it works:
Cryoprotectants Production: When temperatures drop, the wood frog's liver produces large amounts of glucose and urea. These substances act as natural antifreeze agents, protecting the frog's cells and tissues from damage.
Controlled Freezing: Ice formation starts in the body cavities and under the skin, while the vital organs remain unfrozen. The frog’s heart stops beating, and its breathing and metabolic processes come to a halt.
Dehydration: As the extracellular fluids freeze, water is drawn out of the cells to prevent ice crystals from forming inside them, which would otherwise cause lethal damage.
Thawing Process: In spring, the wood frog thaws gradually. Its heart and other organs resume their functions without damage, allowing the frog to become active again.
This adaptation enables the wood frog to survive in harsh climates where temperatures can drop well below freezing.
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