14 Minesweeper Variants Episode 14 - The [+]8x8 Grind

12 days ago

I manage to do more than one board this time. The first one did take me about 30 minutes, but after that I started doing them a lot faster. I finished 6 boards, so now there is only one left before I unlock [+'], which should hopefully happen next time with some time to spare to do other things.

14 Minesweeper Variants Series:
Previous Episode: https://rumble.com/v52itbq-14-minesweeper-variants-episode-13-dual-cross.html
Next Episode: https://rumble.com/v52vbrk-14-minesweeper-variants-episode-15-trying-to-unlock-some-variants.html
Episode 1 (with links to all other episodes): https://rumble.com/v4ujfp8-14-minesweeper-variants-episode-1-ultimate-mode-vqcml.html

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