4KidsTv June 18, 2005 One Piece S1 Ep 41 The Comeback Kid

8 months ago

Arlong offers not to kill the citizens of Cocoyasi Village if Nami surrenders, only killing the crew. Nami decides to refuse this offer, joining the battle even at the expense of the townspeople. Meanwhile, Nojiko successfully revives Luffy, but most of his body remains trapped underwater. While Sanji dives underwater to break the cement trapping Luffy, Zoro battles Arlong, attempting to break his saw nose he claims is indestructible. Usopp also appears, announcing his victory against Chew. Arlong defeats Zoro by piercing him with his nose, then removes his bandages and notices the wounds he sustained from Mihawk. Underwater, Sanji prepares to free Luffy from the cement, but Hatchan, having regained consciousness, pursues him. However, by straining himself, Hatchan reopens the wounds he sustained from Zoro, collapsing again from blood loss. Sanji destroys the cement attached to Luffy's feet, freeing him. Launching himself out of the pool and into the air, he uses a series of attacks against Arlong. Luffy mocks Arlong's fish-like features, angering him further.

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