All I Can Do Is Write About It Lynyrd Skynyrd

3 months ago

All I Can Do Is Write About It Album: Gimme Back My Bullets (1976)
by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Miss Columbia, is a SINGLE unwed female national personification of the United States... pawned out by her creepy Uncle Sam...

Columbia was also a historical name applied to the Americas and to the New World. The association has given rise to the names of many American places, objects, institutions and companies, including the District of Columbia; Columbia, South Carolina the State Capital; Columbia University; "Hail, Columbia"; Columbia Rediviva; and the Columbia River. Images of the Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World, erected in 1886) largely displaced personified Columbia as the female symbol of the United States by around 1920, although Lady Liberty was seen as an aspect of Columbia. Columbia's most prominent display in the 21st Century is as part of the logo of the Hollywood film studio Columbia Pictures.

Columbia is a Neo-Latin toponym, in use since the 1730s with reference to the Thirteen Colonies which formed the United States. It originated from the name of the Genoese explorer Christopher Columbus and from the Latin ending -ia, common in the Latin names of countries (paralleling Britannia, Gallia, Zealandia, and others).

Massachusetts Chief Justice Samuel Sewall used the name "Columbina" for the New World in 1697. The name "Columbia" for America first appeared in 1738 in the weekly publication of the debates of Parliament in Edward Cave's The Gentleman's Magazine. Publication of parliamentary debates was technically illegal, so the debates were issued under the thin disguise of Reports of the Debates of the Senate of Lilliput and fictitious names were used for most individuals and place names found in the record. Most of these were transparent anagrams or similar distortions of the real names and some few were taken directly from Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels while a few others were classical or neoclassical in style. Such were Ierne for Ireland, Iberia for Spain, Noveborac for New York (from Eboracum, the Roman name for York) and Columbia for America—at the time used in the sense of "European colonies in the New World".

Lynyrd Skynyrd were taking a stand against Governor Wallace and his regime. Ronnie said in the same interview where he says that they sing ” Boo boo boo” that he did not like Wallace's views. Ronnie said the press did not pic up on the ” Boo boo boo” That's why it became controversial. This song is not about race, but has been about as misunderstood as ” Born in the USA” by Bruce Springsteen which was NOT a patriotic song.

"I wrote that song because the way things are goin on in todays time, I just know one day they are gonna build a holiday inn in the middle of the Everglades and what I'm basically sayin' is I don't wanna see it! That's why I say lord take me and mine before that comes."

All I Can Do Is Write About It
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Well, this life that I live, took me everywhere
There ain't no place I ain't never gone
Well, it's kind of like the sayin'
That you heard so many times
Well, there just ain't no place like home

Did you ever see a she-gator protect her youngin'
Or fish in a river, swimmin' free?
Did you ever see the beauty of the hills of Carolina
Or the sweetness of the grass in Tennessee?

And Lord, I can't make any changes
All I can do is write 'em in a song
'Cause, if I can see the concrete, slowly creepin'
Lord, take me and mine before that comes

I'd like to see a mountain stream flowin'
Do you like to see a youngin' with his dog?
Did you ever stop and think about, well, the air you're breathin'?
Well, you better listen to my song

And Lord, I can't make any changes
All I can do is write 'em in a song
'Cause, I can see the concrete slowly creepin'
Lord, take me and mine before that comes

I'm not tryin' to put down no big city
But the things they write about us is just a bore
Well, you can take a boy out of ole' Dixieland, Lord
But you'll never take ole' Dixie from a boy

And Lord, I can't make any changes
All I can do is write 'em in a song
'Cause, I can see the concrete slowly creepin'
Lord, take me and mine before that comes

I say, I can see the concrete slowly creepin'
Lord, take me and mine before that comes
Written by: Ronnie Van Zant, Allen Collins

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