Octopuses for Kids | Learn all about these eight-armed brainiacs!

1 month ago

Did you know that octopuses have the largest brains of all the known invertebrates in the world? Octopuses for Kids lays out quite a few quirky facts, like the fact that they have brains in their arms too! Each arm has a bunch of neurons that work together to help an octopus move in a coordinated way. All these brains make octopuses incredibly intelligent.

When octopuses need to protect themselves, they use an incredible strategy called autotomy. If an octopus is in danger, it will purposely "let go" of one of its arms. It can then escape its predators because its detached arm keeps moving as a distraction while the octopus makes a safe getaway. Even more amazing is that octopuses can grow a new arm later.

Here another cool fact. Octopuses have chromatophores in their skin. Chromatophores are specialized cells containing pigments that allow them to change color and create intricate patterns. These cells help them hide by matching the colors and patterns of their surroundings, like rocks or seaweed. That way, if an octopus is near a sandy area, it can turn brown to blend in, and if it's by a coral reef, it can turn the vibrant colors of the corals. Octopuses use this remarkable skill not just for camouflage but also to communicate with other octopuses and express their emotions.

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