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Jesse Watters Primetime (Full episode) - Wednesday, June 19

8 months ago

In this episode: The Media, Cheap Fake, Migrant Crimes

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  • Everything the demorats r doin is destroying America n there blaming everyone else 4 it lol we need Trump back now

  • to all the liberal worlds reporters (?) if ya can call them that . why are you scared yall covered killaries ass so she didn't have ya idk suddenly get sick , have an accident . all yall liars are just scared chicken shit lunatics. trump won't come after your pathetic lives , your nobody your audience not sure you really have 1 but are more likely to attack you cause their lunatics just like you

  • If the demorats get control of the Internet its gonna b lik obasturd care its gonna b expensive as hell n not work

  • Illegals r all new demorat voters period n the demorats lov it they dont giv a fuk if Americans get killed n as 4 workers u would have 2 pay a American $15 a hr but a illegal $5 a hr we r the laughing stock of the world say thank u biddie n demorats

  • Talking about internet, the "Connectivity program" ended this past April. So poor people can't afford WIFI. I bet illegals aliens have internet.

  • Imagine what that homeless high rise will look like in 6 months when they start sh*tting in the floors. 😂😂😂

  • Al you Lying Democrats better pack your shit and move to China. You'll like being a Slave...

  • Close the fucking Border.. That will help a lot.. Nothing a Democrat has is worth anything.. Even their words fall short of any meaning.. They are the Lying part of our Government. I don't know about you but a Government that Censors the media, tells lies or spreads misinformation and takes enormous kick backs to run their Show, are the worst People in The World. We don't need a Deep State Government. So either we get someone that can kick some ass or 'We The People' do it ourselves.. Your fucking Choice... FJB

  • Hahaha I’m still waiting for better cellular service everywhere. High speed internet is so far away that it’s not even on my horizon. I spend most of the winter in a tiny town whose population swells from about 4,000 to almost a million during the winter and yet the cell service is only good by the freeway and only about half a mile away it’s one bar sometimes two bars. So let’s get good consistent service all over this country without the possibility of outages and then we can move on to high speed internet everywhere in the country. It’s like saying the wind turbines and green energy that require oil to keep them functioning and need to have their blades replaced every couple of YEARS! We The People demand that our government get it together and put our priorities first.

  • Requiring an ID to vote is on the level of requiring an ID to drive or fly or cash a check! Get serious people. We need identification to get our money out of our bank account but we don’t to vote? How stupid do you think WE THE PEOPLE ARE?

  • We were told we need the illegal immigrants because we are not producing enough children and that we need federal abortion rights! Am I confused or are they just saying what they think we want to hear?

  • The problem is the Democrats can't turn around, they are stuck because Barack Obama is their Leader.. Joe Biden couldn't lead a horse to water. He's that fucking dumb..

    1 like
  • Love the "Homeless Hi-Rise"! Money WELL spent!

    1 like
  • Is she being paid to work? Yes, so she isn’t a slave to anyone except herself because she’s making the choice to work for a company that requires her to work on a holiday. Gee, just like doctors and nurses and retail workers have been working holiday since we started having holidays.

    1 like
  • I'll give you $10 for the painting of a Liar. 😂😅🤣